Legacy Merge

Older version of Merge.

This documentation is for the older version of Merge. Use if it you initially set up your Merge config before November 16, 2023. If you setup Merge later, then use the new merge docs. If your Merge console has a graph tab, then you should use the new merge docs instead.

To migrate to the new Merge, all you have to do is delete and then recreate your queue. It is recommend that you pause your queue and ensure it is empty before doing this so that no PRs get dropped. You can do this by going to settings page in the Merge UI, choosing the repository and clicking the Delete button in the Merge panel. Also, if you are using the command line tool, be sure to add service:graph in your .trunk/trunk.yaml inside the merge section.

Trunk Merge is a service that enables your repository to adhere to The “Not Rocket Science Rule Of Software Engineering”: Automatically maintain a repository of code that always passes all the tests.

How It Works

Trunk Merge adds an additional test pass before merging pull requests. For example, a typical developer workflow for authoring a feature and merging the code to a repository might look like this:

  1. Create a feature branch from the main branch

  2. Author a Change

  3. Open a Pull Request

  4. Tests are Run

  5. Code Review

  6. When tests & code review pass, Author merges request

In a repository with many contributors, the state of the main branch will have advanced significantly after step 1. Because of this, the results of the tests run in step 4 are out of date. Merge solves for this by adding another test pass to ensure no broken code lands on your main branch. A developer workflow with Merge integrated might look like this:

  1. Create a feature branch from the main branch

  2. Author a Change

  3. Open a Pull Request

  4. Tests are Run

  5. Code Review

  6. When tests & code review pass, Author submits pull request to Merge

  7. Tests are run on a branch consisting of head of main + the pull request changes

  8. If the tests pass, the pull request is merged automatically


Watch this 5 minute demo to see how it works in practice

Last updated