Upload Trunk Check Results

Manually upload Trunk Check results for CI use.

If you use GitHub, we recommend you follow the GitHub Integration guide.

Trunk Check has the ability to post its results to app.trunk.io. This will enable you to view your repository's Check history over time so you can track the trend of issues in your code, as well as browse the issues in your repository to help you understand which issues should be prioritized to fix.

In order to keep the data up-to-date, you should upload Trunk Check results regularly in an automated fashion. Depending on the size of your repository and the linters you have configured to run, running Trunk Check on your whole repository may take a while. Because this run may take a while, we recommend uploading Trunk Check results once daily. However, the system supports uploading results for every commit, so the granularity of upload is up to you.

Running trunk check --upload

Before running trunk check --upload you must have connected your Github repository to your Trunk account.

CI Setup for nightly uploads

You can use the Trunk GitHub Action to upload results nightly for your main branch. You can provide it with a trunk-token by navigating to Settings → Repositories → {your repository} and clicking "View Api Token".

Example nightly workflow to upload results: nightly.yaml

Running trunk check --upload locally

  1. trunk check --upload is different than a normal trunk check invocation because we explicitly want the Trunk CLI to find all of the issues in the repository. Because of this, we recommend adding the --all flag to your trunk check --upload invocation. Keep in mind, this won't override the ignore settings in your trunk.yaml file. Any linter or file-level ignores you have configured will be honored by trunk check --upload.

  2. trunk check --upload accepts the same flags and filters as trunk check that you run locally and for CI, and it also has the same runtime dependencies.

  3. You should run your trunk check --upload command locally without the --upload flag to verify that it is working as expected. If you have a large repository or many checks enabled, --all may take a long time. In this case, remember to use --sample.

  4. Required command line parameters

    1. --token: The Trunk API token for this repository. You can find this by navigating to Settings → Repositories → {your repository} and clicking "View Api Token".

    2. --series: This is the name of the time-series this upload run is a part of. We recommend using the name of the branch you are running trunk check on. For example, we run trunk check --upload regularly on our main branch, so we use --series main. You may instead prefer to track specific releases or tags, or create an experimental series. The series name does not need to match any git object, it is available as a way to organize your upload data. If you're unsure of what to use for --series, just use the name of your main branch (typically main or master)

trunk check --all --upload --series main --token REDACTED


Normally we infer repo information from the origin remote, however if you don't have an origin or for another git configuration reason it can't be inferred, it can be explicitly defined in trunk.yaml:

  1. Add a repo section to your Trunk config. This allows the Trunk CLI to connect with the appropriate repository in the Trunk system.

    1. host: Where your repository is hosted. Currently only Github is supported, so this value should be github.com,

    2. owner: The Github Owner of the repository, typically the first path section of your repository URL. For example, if we were connecting with https://github.com/google/googletest, the owner would be google.

    3. name: The name of the repository. Continuing with our example above, the name would be googletest.

This is what the repo section of your config would look like if your repository was hosted at https://github.com/google/googletest

    host: github.com
    owner: google
    name: googletest

Note the repo/repo nested structure.

Last updated