Semaphore CI

Configure Flaky Tests using Semaphore CI

Getting Started

You can use the Flaky Tests CLI within your Semaphore CI workflows to upload your test results.

The Trunk Flaky Tests CLI currently only supports x86_64 and arm64 for both Linux and macOS. If you have another use case, please get in touch with support at For the best results, you'll need to validate that your test invocation doesn't use cached test results and doesn't automatically retry failing tests.

  1. Create a Semaphore workflow that runs the tests you want to monitor. In order for us to use the results, these tests must produce a test report in JUnit XML format.

Find Organization Slug and Token

Next you will need your Trunk organization slug and token. Navigate to Once logged in navigate to Settings -> Manage -> Organization. Copy your organization slug. You can find your Trunk token by navigating to SettingsManage OrganizationOrganization API Token and clicking "View." Copy this token.

In your Semaphore dashboard, store your Trunk token in a secret named TRUNK_TOKEN. Update your Semaphore workflow to download and run the test uploader binary after you've run your tests.

Sample Semaphore workflow steps

You can upload test results to Flaky Tests with the trunk-analytics-cli by running it in a stage after your tests are complete. There are four different OS/arch builds of the CLI in the latest release. Pick the one you need for your testing platform and be sure to download the release on every CI run. Do not bake the CLI into a container or VM. This ensures your CI runs are always using the latest build.

Portion of repo/.semaphore/semaphore.yml. See the complete file here.

version: v1.0
name: Semaphore JavaScript Example Pipeline
  - name: Tests
        - name: Trunk API Token
        - name: NODE_ENV
          value: test
        - name: CI
          value: "true"
          - checkout
          - nvm use
          - node --version
          - npm --version
        - name: Run Tests
            - cache restore node-modules-$SEMAPHORE_GIT_BRANCH-$(checksum package-lock.json),node-modules-$SEMAPHORE_GIT_BRANCH,node-modules-master
            - npm test
            # Publish results to Semaphore
            - test-results publish junit.xml
            # Upload results to
            - curl -fsSL --retry 3 "" | tar -xvz > ./trunk-analytics-cli
            - ./trunk-analytics-cli upload --junit-paths "junit.xml" --org-url-slug <TRUNK_ORG_SLUG> --token "${TRUNK_API_TOKEN}"

      - name: Publish Results
          - test-results gen-pipeline-report

The workflow above configures the cache and then runs npm test to actually generate the test output XML. The epilogue of the test block uses Semaphore's test-results command to publish the junit.xml file to Semaphore. Then it uses the curl command to download the latest version of the trunk-analytics-cli, make it executable, and finally run the uploader to send the junit.xml to Trunk.

The trunk-analytics-cli tool has several important arguments.

  • --junit-pathsis a comma separated list of paths.

  • --org-url-slug is an identifier for the Trunk account you are using. This is the Organization Slug you copied from your Trunk settings above.

  • --token is the Trunk API token you added as a Semaphore secret above.

Hourly Tests

Running on a golden branch is how we detect that tests are flaky. Create a copy of your semaphore.yml file called hourly.yml . In your Semaphore dashboard, create a new task to run tests on the main branch, and link to the hourly.yml file. Schedule it to run every hour, every day. Click Create then manually run the workflow to check that it's working. Now you can look at the data being collected in Trunk's Flaky Tests dashboard.

The source for the settings above are available in our SemaphoreFlakyTestExample repo.

If you're interested in better understanding this binary or want to contribute to it, you can find the open source repo here.

Last updated