
Configuring the old legacy Trunk Merge

We offer some knobs and dials when configuring a MergeQueue. The following settings can be applied at, in the Settings > Repo-Name page.

Paused / Running

You can pause / resume your MergeQueue. A paused merge queue will not accept any new items, nor merge any items into the target branch.

Timeout for Tests to Start

Configure how long a PR should wait for tests to start before auto-cancelling. The MergeQueue creates a test branch for every PR in the queue. CI should be configured to run tests when that branch is created: see getting started for some examples. However, CI can have transient failures, and tests may not start. Trunk will cancel any PRs that have requested tests to start, but have not yet heard back from CI.

For example, assuming a timeout of one hour:

  • At 12:00, Alice submits PR 123 to the MergeQueue.

  • At 12:10, PR 123 passes all required readiness checks, and a testing branch is created using Alice's CI system.

  • At 1:10, Trunk's MergeQueue has not yet heard back from Alice's CI system about the testing branch. Trunk cancels PR 123.

Timeout for Tests to Complete

Configure how long a PR's test can run before auto-cancelling. The MergeQueue tests every PR in the queue. If a long-running test is detected, MergeQueue will automatically cancel the test.

If you're unsure about what timeout to set, you can use our CI Analytics to analyze the runtime of your CI.

For example, assuming a timeout of 4 hours:

  • At 3:00, Bob submits PR 456 to the MergeQueue.

  • At 3:05, PR 456 starts testing using Bob's CI system.

  • At 7:05, Trunk cancels PR 456, since PR 456 is still testing.


Configure how many PRs may test in parallel. A larger number may increase throughput, since more PRs are tested in parallel, but at the expense of CI, since more jobs are running in parallel.

If your testing workload contains some flaky tests, a deeper queue (i.e. a higher concurrency) may struggle. We strongly suggest you take a look into our MergeGraph offering to reduce the average depth of your merging solution. Please contact us at Slack, and we're happy to help!

For example, assuming a concurrency of 3:

  • At 12:00, Alice submits PR 1000 to the MergeQueue, and it starts testing.

  • At 12:05, Bob submits PR 888 to the MergeQueue, and it starts testing.

  • At 12:10, Charlie submits PR 777 to the MergeQueue, and it starts testing.

  • At 12:15, Alice submits PR 1001 to the MergeQueue. Tests do not start, because the MergeQueue is at its concurrency limit.

Last updated