Command Line Example

The CI Debugger can be used from non-CI machines. For example your local terminal or any machine under your control.


Your machine needs to have the following tools installed:

  • Bash,

  • Curl

You will need to have ports open for:



Create a trunk organization

To use the CI Debugger, you must first create a trunk organization. See this document for detailed instructions.

Create a breakpoint in the trunk app

Setup your Organization API Token

In order for the CI Debugger to communicate with the trunk web app, it needs to be able to authenticate from the GitHub Action instance to the trunk web application.

Setup Your Buildkite Workflow

Here is an example command of running the debugger directly from any command line. Replace the three values in the example with the ones specific to your setup. In this example we are downloading the trunk tool and then running the '/bin/false' command which will immediately fail and trigger a breakpoint.

curl -fsSL | bash -s -- -y
export TRUNK_TOKEN=<Insert your API key [1]>
trunk breakpoint --org=<INSERT YOUR ORG NAME HERE [2]> --id=<Breakpoint Name [3]> -- /bin/false

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