
A guide for generating Trunk-compatible test reports for Gradle

1. Generate JUnit

JUnit tests run with Gradle will produce a JUnit XML output by default. However, you need to enable output per test case and merge reruns. Here's an example:

tasks.test {
    testLogging {
        events("passed", "skipped", "failed")
    reports {
        junitXml.apply {
            isOutputPerTestCase = true // defaults to false
            mergeReruns = true // defaults to false
            outputLocation = file("output/test-results")

2. Output Location

The JUnit report will be in the output/test-results directory.

Disable Retries

You need to disable automatic retries if you previously enabled them. Retries compromise the accurate detection of flaky tests.

Next Step

JUnit files generated with Gradle are compatible with Trunk Flaky Tests. See CI Providers for a guide on how to upload test results to Trunk.

Last updated