
A guide for generating Trunk-compatible test reports with Bazel

1. Generate Report

Run the bazel test command with the options --nobuild_event_json_file_path_conversion and --build_event_json_file=build_events.json, which should output a JSON serialization of the build event protocol.

Trunk will parse this build event JSON file to access your test results.

2. Output Location

As specified by the --build_event_json_file=build_events.json option added in step 1, the output will be in build_events.json in your current working directory.

When you later configure your CI to upload to Trunk, you'll need to specify the path to your build events file with the --bazel-bep-path=build_events.json option instead of the --junit-paths for JUnit files.

Disable Retries

You need to disable automatic retries if you previously enabled them for more accurate detection results.

Disable retries if you're retrying tests using the --flaky_test_attempts command line option or retrying in your test runner.

Next Step

JUnit files generated with Bazel are compatible with Trunk Flaky Tests. See CI Providers for a guide on how to upload test results to Trunk.

Last updated