
Trunk Flaky Tests detects and tracks flaky tests in your repos by receiving uploads from your test runs in CI. Trunk Flaky Tests takes the JUnit XML format for uploads. These uploads happen in the CI jobs used to run tests in your nightly CI, post-commit jobs, and your PR checks.

If you're setting up Trunk Flaky Tests for the first time, you can follow the guides for your CI provider and test framework.

Installing the CLI

The Trunk Flaky Tests CLI currently only supports x86_64 and arm64 for both Linux and macOS. If you have another use case, please get in touch with support at https://slack.trunk.io. For the best results, you'll need to validate that your test invocation doesn't use cached test results and doesn't automatically retry failing tests.

The CLI should be downloaded as part of your test workflow in your CI system. The details vary by CI Provider, but generally should be downloaded directly from the analytics-cli release page using curl like this:

curl -fsSL --retry 3 \
  "https://github.com/trunk-io/analytics-cli/releases/latest/download/trunk-analytics-cli-x86_64-unknown-linux.tar.gz" \
  | tar -xvz > ./trunk-analytics-cli

The trunk-analytics-cli

and then invoked like this. The trunk-analytics-cli binary will already be marked executable.

./trunk-analytics-cli upload --junit-paths "test_output.xml" \
   --org-url-slug <TRUNK_ORG_SLUG> \
   --token $TRUNK_API_TOKEN

Uploading from the CLI

The uploaded tests are processed by Trunk periodically on a schedule and not in real-time. Wait for at least an hour after the initial upload before they’re accurately displayed in Trunk. Multiple uploads are required before a test can be accurately detected as broken or flaky.

Trunk provides the trunk-analytics-cli command-line tool to upload and analyze test results.

Run the command line with one of the following commands



Test the upload process, but do not upload any data.


Upload data to Trunk Flaky Tests


Print the help message

The upload command uses the following arguments


--junit-paths <JUNIT_PATHS>

a comma separated list of paths containing the test output files. File globs are supported.

--org-url-slug <ORG_URL_SLUG>

Trunk Org slug, from the settings page.

--token <TOKEN>

Trunk Org (not repo) token, from the settings page.

-h, --help

Additional detailed description of the upload command.


Path to the repository root. Defaults to the current directory.

--repo-url <REPO_URL>

Value to override URL of repository. Optional.

--repo-head-sha <REPO_HEAD_SHA>

Value to override SHA of repository head. Optional.

--repo-head-branch <REPO_HEAD_BRANCH>

Value to override branch of repository head. Optional.

--repo-head-commit-epoch <REPO_HEAD_COMMIT_EPOCH>

Value to override commit epoch of repository head. Optional.

--tags <TAGS>

Comma separated list of custom tag=value pairs. Optional.


Print files which will be uploaded to stdout.


Run metrics CLI without uploading to API. Optional.

--team <TEAM>

Value to tag team owner of upload. Optional.

--codeowners-path <CODEOWNERS_PATH>

Value to override CODEOWNERS file or directory path. Optional.


Run commands with the quarantining step.


As a general rule you should download the release on every CI run. Do not bake the CLI into a container or VM. This ensures your CI runs are always using the latest build.

The trunk-analytics-cli binary should be run from the repository root. If you need to run the binary from another location, you must provide the path to the repo root using the --repo-rootargument. The --junit-paths argument accepts the xml file locations as both a list of globs or absolute paths.

Organization not found

If you receive an error that the org slug or API token is not found, double check that the secrets stored in your CI provider are the same as the Organization settings by navigating to Settings -> Manage -> Organization on app.trunk.io.

Make sure you are getting your Organization Slug, not the Organization Name.

Also make sure you are getting your Organization API Token, not your project/repo token.

Last updated