Uploader CLI Reference
Last updated
Last updated
Trunk detects and tracks flaky tests in your repos by receiving uploads from your test runs in CI, uploaded from the Uploader CLI. These uploads happen in the CI jobs used to run tests in your nightly CI, post-commit jobs, and PR checks.
If you're setting up Trunk Flaky Tests for the first time, you can follow the guides for your CI provider and test framework.
The CLI should be downloaded as part of your test workflow in your CI system. The launcher is platform agnostic and will download the latest version of the uploader for your platform.
You should always use the latest version of the uploader CLI by downloading it fresh in your CI jobs for the best detection results.
You can download the uploader CLI and mark it executable with the following command:
And you can verify that it's been downloaded properly by running:
Under-the-hood, this downloads the Trunk CLI Launcher which will download the appropriate binaries for your environment.
The CLI requires your Trunk organization slug and token passed through --org-url-slug
and --token
to upload results to the correct organzation.
You can find your organization slug and token by going to Settings > Manage > Organization.
The uploaded tests are processed by Trunk periodically, not in real-time. Wait for at least an hour after the initial upload before they’re displayed in the Uploads tab. Multiple uploads are required before a test can be accurately detected as broken or flaky.
Trunk accepts uploads in three main report formats, XML, Bazel Event Protocol JSONs, and XCode XCResult paths. You can upload each of these test report formats using the ./trunk flakytest upload
command like this:
Trunk can accept JUnit XMLs through the --junit-paths
You can also execute tests and upload results to Trunk in a single step using the ./trunk flakytest test
command to wrap your test command.
This is especially useful for Quarantining, where the Trunk CLI will override the exit code of the test command if all failures can be quarantined, preventing flaky tests from failing your builds in CI.
Trunk can accept JUnit XMLs through the --junit-paths
You can validate the test reports produced by your test frameworks before you set up Trunk in your CI jobs. This is currently only available for XML reports.
You can run the validate command like this:
The ./trunk flakytests validate
command will output any problems with your reports so you can address them before setting up Trunk in CI.
If you installed the CLI in your CI jobs following the instructions in the Installing the CLI step, the CI job will automatically install the latest version of the CLI. You should always download a fresh copy of the latest CLI in CI.
If you're using the flakytests
CLI subcommand using the Trunk CLI locally, you can upgrade with this command:
The trunk
command-line tool can upload and analyze test results. The trunk flakytests
command accepts the following subcommands:
trunk flakytests upload
Upload data to Trunk Flaky Tests.
trunk flakytests validate
Validates if the provided JUnit XML files and prints any errors.
trunk flakytests test <COMMAND>
The upload
command accepts the following options:
--junit-paths <JUNIT_PATHS>
Path to the test output files. File globs are supported. Remember to wrap globs in ""
--bazel-bep-path <BEP_JSON_PATH>
--xcresults-path <XCRESULT_PATH>
Path to a .xcresult
directory, which contains test reports from xcodebuild
--org-url-slug <ORG_URL_SLUG>
Trunk Organization slug, from the Settings page.
--token <TOKEN>
Trunk Organization (not repo) token, from the Settings page. Defaults to the TRUNK_API_TOKEN
-h, --help
Additional detailed description of the upload
Path to the repository root. Defaults to the current directory.
--repo-url <REPO_URL>
Value to override URL of repository. Optional.
Value to override SHA of repository head. Optional.
--repo-head-branch <REPO_HEAD_BRANCH>
Value to override branch of repository head. Optional.
--repo-head-commit-epoch <REPO_HEAD_COMMIT_EPOCH>
Value to override commit epoch of repository head. Optional.
--tags <TAGS>
Comma separated list of custom tag=value pairs. Optional.
Print files which will be uploaded to stdout.
Run metrics CLI without uploading to API. Optional.
Value to tag team owner of upload. Optional.
--codeowners-path <CODEOWNERS_PATH>
Value to override CODEOWNERS file or directory path. Optional.
Don't fail commands if test results are empty or missing. Use it when you sometimes skip all tests for certain CI jobs. Defaults to true
Runs tests using the provided command, uploads results, checks whether the failures are tests, and correct the exit code based on that.
Path to a JSON serialized . Trunk will use the BEP file to locate test reports. Your test frameworks must still output .
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