Custom Linters

Trunk Code Quality allows you to define custom linters. If a linter is not within the list of supported linters or you have a bespoke solution, you can define a custom linter.

Defining a Custom Linter

You can define linters right in your .trunk/trunk.yaml file in your repo. These definitions have the same configurable parameters as in our public plugins repo or your own plugins repo.

Pass-Fail Linter Script Example

For example, you can define a simple pass-fail linter that runs a custom script file. The linter passes or fails based on the status code returned.

version: 0.1
  version: 1.22.1
    - SampleLinter
    - name: SampleLinter
      files: [javascript, typescript]
        - name: lint
          run: sh ${workspace}/.trunk/ ${target}
          output: pass_fail
          success_codes: [0, 1]

Inline Grep Command Example

You can also define simple linters inline using tools like grep. This linter will grep against your custom regex pattern, format the output using sed, and then parse the output into pattern groups using a regex output for Trunk Code Quality to report.

# This file controls the behavior of Trunk:
# To learn more about the format of this file, see
version: 0.1
  version: 1.22.1
    - SampleGrepLinter
    - name: SampleGrepLinter
      files: [ALL]
        - name: lint
          run: bash -c "grep -o -E '<YOUR_PATTERN>' --line-number --with-filename ${target}"
          success_codes: [0, 1]
          read_output_from: stdout
            run: 'sed -E "s/([^:]*):([0-9]+):(.*)/\1:\2:0: [error] Found \3 in line (numeric-\3)/"'
          output: regex
          parse_regex: "(?P<path>.*):(?P<line>-?\\d+):(?P<col>-?\\d+): \\[(?P<severity>[^\\]]*)\\] (?P<message>[^\\(]*) \\((?P<code>[^\\)]*)\\)"

To see the configurable fields available Linter Definition Reference.

Contributing a New Linter

The Trunk Code Quality plugins repo is public and welcomes contributions. Feel free to open a PR if the new custom linter you defined could be useful to others. You can reach out to us on Slack if you need a hand.

Last updated