
Trunk Code Quality supports over 100 different linters and formatters out of the box. This section covers how to run, manage, and configure these linters.

Supported Linters

Trunk supports 100+ different linters and formatters. See the Supported Linters page to find the linters you need to maintain code quality in your repos.

Run Linters

Trunk Code Quality supports many flexible ways to run your installed linters, for every project and every occasion.

Learn the commands available for the Trunk CLI.

Manage Linters

Find and enable the linters you need to keep your code base healthy. Trunk helps you manage your long list of static analysis tools and runtimes through hermetic installs.

Learn how to discover, install, and upgrade linters in your projects.

Configure Linters

Trunk Code Quality's linter integrations are fully configurable. This means that you can easily tune existing linters or leverage our caching and hold-the-line solution with your custom linters.

Learn to configure your linters to get the most out of Trunk Code Quality.

Ignoring Issues and Files

Trunk Code Quality lets you configure flexible ignore for your linters. You can ignore issues by line, by files, by path, by issue type, by severity level, by file extension, and more.

Learn to ignore irrelevant issues.

Custom Linters

Trunk lets you turn simple scripts into fully-powered linters by running these linters and giving them support for features like ignores, hold-the-line, and other powerful configurable features,

Learn to create your own Custom Linters.

Shared Configs

If your team has many repositories, many teams, and many languages, you would want to share a common set of config files to keep your entire organization consistent.

Learn to share configurations across your org.

Last updated