
Trunk Actions

trunk actions: Workflow automation for your repo.

Usage example

trunk actions [options] [subcommand]


  • --version: The version

  • --monitor: Enable the trunk daemon to monitor file changes in your repo

  • --ci: Run in continuous integration mode

  • --no-progress: Don't show progress updates

  • --ci-progress: Rate limit progress updates to every 30s (implied by --ci)

  • --action_timeout: Timeout for downloads, lint runs, etc

  • -v, --verbose: Output details about what's happening under the hood

  • --color: Enable/disable color output

Trunk Actions Run

trunk actions run: Run a specified trunk action. Usage bash

trunk actions run [options]


  • --nolog: Don't create a log file for the action run

  • --version: The version

  • --monitor: Enable the trunk daemon to monitor file changes in your repo

  • --ci: Run in continuous integration mode

  • --no-progress: Don't show progress updates

  • --ci-progress: Rate limit progress updates to every 30s (implied by --ci)

  • --action_timeout: Timeout for downloads, lint runs, etc.

  • -v, --verbose: Output details about what's happening under the hood

  • --color: Enable/disable color output

  • --name <action_name>: Specify the name of the Trunk action to be executed

  • --branch <branch_name>: Run the action on a specific branch

  • --retry <number>: Number of times to retry the action on failure

Trunk Actions History

trunk actions history: View the history of Trunk actions.

Usage Example

trunk actions history [options]


  • --count: Number of logs to show

  • --version: The version

  • --monitor: Enable the trunk daemon to monitor file changes in your repo

  • --ci: Run in continuous integration mode

  • --no-progress: Don't show progress updates

  • --ci-progress: Rate limit progress updates to every 30s (implied by --ci)

  • --action_timeout: Timeout for downloads, lint runs, etc.

  • -v, --verbose: Output details about what's happening under the hood

  • --color: Enable/disable color output

Trunk Actions List

trunk actions list: List all Trunk actions.

Usage Example

trunk actions list [options]


  • --version: The version

  • --monitor: Enable the trunk daemon to monitor file changes in your repo

  • --ci: Run in continuous integration mode

  • --no-progress: Don't show progress updates

  • --ci-progress: Rate limit progress updates to every 30s (implied by --ci)

  • --action_timeout: Timeout for downloads, lint runs, etc.

  • -v, --verbose: Output details about what's happening under the hood

  • --color: Enable/disable color output

Trunk Actions Enable

trunk actions enable: Enable a specified Trunk action.

Usage Example

trunk actions enable [options]


  • --version: The version

  • --monitor: Enable the trunk daemon to monitor file changes in your repo

  • --ci: Run in continuous integration mode

  • --no-progress: Don't show progress updates

  • --ci-progress: Rate limit progress updates to every 30s (implied by --ci)

  • --action_timeout: Timeout for downloads, lint runs, etc.

  • -v, --verbose: Output details about what's happening under the hood

  • --color: Enable/disable color output

Trunk Actions Disable

trunk actions disable: Disable a specified Trunk action.

Usage Example

trunk actions disable [options]


  • --version: The version

  • --monitor: Enable the trunk daemon to monitor file changes in your repo

  • --ci: Run in continuous integration mode

  • --no-progress: Don't show progress updates

  • --ci-progress: Rate limit progress updates to every 30s (implied by --ci)

  • --action_timeout: Timeout for downloads, lint runs, etc.

  • -v, --verbose: Output details about what's happening under the hood

  • --color: Enable/disable color output

Trunk Shellhooks

trunk shellhooks: Let Trunk manage your shell hooks similar to direnvs trunk shellhooks install <shell_name>

Usage Example

trunk shellhooks install <shell_name> [options]

Trunk Git Hooks

trunk git-hooks sync: Sync githooks with what's defined in trunk.yaml

Usage Example

trunk git-hook sync [options]

Trunk show announcements since a commit

trunk show-announcements since: Show announcements since a specified commit

Example Usage:

trunk show-announcements since --commit abc123


  • --color: Enable/disable color output

  • -v, --verbose: Output details about what's happening under the hood

  • --action_timeout: Timeout for downloads, lint runs, etc.

  • --ci-progress: Rate limit progress updates to every 30s (implied by --ci)

  • --no-progress: Don't show progress updates

  • --ci: Run in continuous integration mode

  • --monitor: Enable the trunk daemon to monitor file changes in your repo

  • --version: The version

Trunk show announcements post-merge

trunk show-announcements post-merge: Run on git pull/merge, usually run by a git-hook and not directly.

Example Usage:

trunk show-announcements post-merge --verbose

Trunk show announcements pre-rebase

trunk show-announcements pre-rebase: Run on git pre-rebase, usually run by a git-hook and not directly.

Example Usage:

trunk show-announcements pre-rebase [options] [branch-refs...]

Trunk show announcements post checkout

trunk show-announcements post-checkout: Run on git checkout/switch, usually run by a git-hook and not directly.

Example Usage:

trunk show-announcements post-checkout [options] [branch-refs...]

Last updated