
Trunk Merge

trunk merge: Submit a pull request to merge at

Usage example

trunk merge [options] [subcommand]


  • --skip-the-line: Whether this item should be inserted ahead of all pull requests already waiting to merge

  • -p, --priority: The priority this item should be enqueued with (0-255, 0 is highest)

  • --version: Display the version

  • --monitor: Enable the trunk daemon to monitor file changes in your repo

  • --ci: Run in continuous integration mode

  • --no-progress: Don't show progress updates

  • --ci-progress: Rate limit progress updates to every 30s (implied by --ci)

  • --action_timeout: Timeout for downloads, lint runs, etc

  • -v, --verbose: Output details about what's happening under the hood

  • --color: Enable/disable color output

Trunk Merge Status

trunk merge status: Check the status of a submitted merge request.

Usage example

trunk merge status [pr] [options]

Trunk Merge Cancel

trunk merge cancel: Cancel a pull request from merging.

Usage example

trunk merge cancel [pr] [options]

Trunk Merge Pause

trunk merge pause: [admin only] Pauses the queue from merging pull requests.

Usage example

trunk merge cancel [pr] [options]

Trunk Merge Resume

trunk merge resume: [admin only] Resumes merging pull requests in the queue.

Usage example

trunk merge resume [pr] [options]

Last updated