Exporting Linter Configs

Reusing linter configs across projects.

Plugin repositories can also export their own linter config files to keep configuration synced across an organization. Simply add an exported_configs section to a plugin.yaml, with paths to all of the config files you want to export, relative to the repository root. For example:

    - configs:
        - .eslintrc.yaml
        - .trunk/configs/.shellcheckrc

These config files will be available for linters that enumerate them in affects_cacheor direct_configs to reference. These files are automatically symlinked into the repository root during linter execution. The set of applicable config files can be viewed in the details yaml file listed when running trunk check --verbose.

Plugin-exported configs are sourced in lockstep with the plugin itself, so you will need to update the ref field to use the latest configs.

Note that if you're using an IDE Extension like clangd with an LSP that relies on those configs being in the root, you will need to manually create a symlink to the plugin's config. You can do this by running ln -s .trunk/plugins/<plugin-id>/<path-to-config> <name-of-config>.

For an example of a plugin repo with config files, see our own configs repo.

Importing Configs

This process can also be reversed to import config files from a plugins repository which does not explicitly export them. Given a plugin sourced with id trunk, the sourcing repository can achieve the same effect by including the following in its .trunk/trunk.yaml.

    - plugin_id: trunk
        - .eslintrc.yaml
        - .trunk/configs/.shellcheckrc

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