Code Quality

trunk check

trunk check: Universal code checker.

Usage example

trunk check [options]

Filtering Options

  • -a, --all: Check all files instead of only changed files

  • --sample: Run each linter on N files

  • --filter: Comma separated list of linters and/or issue codes to include or exclude

  • --exclude: Shorthand for an inverse --filter

  • --scope: Scope of checks to run {all | security}

  • --ignore: Glob pattern to exclude files from linting

  • --force: Run on all files, even if ignored

  • --include-existing-autofixes: Include existing issues that can be autofixed

CI Options

  • --replace: Overwrite previously uploaded check run if one exists

  • --series: Series name for this upload (usually the branch)

  • --upload: Upload lint results to the trunk web app

  • --ci: Run in non-interactive mode designed for CI environments

  • -j, --jobs: Number of concurrent jobs

Git Hooks Options

  • --index: Run linter on git-indexed files

  • --index-file: Run linter on git-indexed files based on specified index

  • --commit-ref: Commit ref to lint (instead of current working tree)

  • --commit-ref-from-pre-push: Commit ref to lint from the stdin of a pre-push git hook (instead of the current working tree)

Output Options

  • --show-existing: Show existing issues otherwise hidden by

  • --print-failures: Print any failures that occur

  • --diff: Diff printing mode {none | compact | full}

  • -v, --verbose: Show verbose output for debugging purposes

  • --debug: Show debug output

Behavior Options

  • -y, --fix: Automatically apply all fixes without prompting

  • -n, --no-fix: Don't automatically apply fixes

  • --cache: Disable to skip cache for all check actions

  • --ignore-git-state: Run linters even if a merge, rebase, or revert is in progress

  • --upstream: Upstream branch used to compute changed files

Trunk Check Enable Linter

trunk check enable: Enable linters for trunk check.

Usage example

trunk check enable [options]

Trunk Check Disable Linter

trunk check disable: Disable linters for trunk check.

Usage example

trunk check disable [options]

Trunk Check List Linters

trunk check list: List linters for trunk check.

Usage example

trunk check list [options]

Trunk Check Run Format

trunk fmt: List linters for trunk check.

Usage example

trunk fmt [options]


Filtering Options

  • -a, --all: Check all files instead of only changed files

  • --filter: Comma separated list of linters and/or issue codes to include or exclude

  • --exclude: Shorthand for an inverse --filter

  • --scope: Scope of checks to run {all | security}

  • --ignore: Glob pattern to exclude files from linting

  • --force: Run on all files, even if ignored

  • --show-existing: Show existing issues otherwise hidden by hold-the-line

  • --ignore-git-state: Run linters even if a merge, rebase, or revert is in progress

Git Hooks Options

  • --index: Run linter on git-indexed files

  • --index-file: Run linter on git-indexed files based on specified index

  • --commit-ref: Commit ref to lint (instead of current working tree)

  • --commit-ref-from-pre-push: Commit ref to lint from the stdin of a pre-push git hook (instead of the current working tree)

Output Options

  • --show-existing: Show existing issues otherwise hidden by

  • --print-failures: Print any failures that occur

  • --diff: Diff printing mode {none | compact | full}

  • -v, --verbose: Show verbose output for debugging purposes

  • --debug: Show debug output

Behavior Options

  • -y, --fix: Automatically apply all fixes without prompting

  • -n, --no-fix: Don't automatically apply fixes

  • --cache: Disable to skip cache for all check actions

  • --ignore-git-state: Run linters even if a merge, rebase, or revert is in progress

  • --upstream: Upstream branch used to compute changed files

  • -j, --jobs: Number of concurrent jobs

Advanced Trunk Check Features

Options & Flags


Explicitly set the root of the repository to run against


Specify the upstream branch used to calculate new vs existing issued.


Supports running trunk check from inside a git hook. Options are manual (default), git-push, git-commit. Controls whether the check returns early and its interactivity.


Output results in specified format: text (default) or json


Write json results to specified file


--filter argument allows you to restrict trunk check to a subset of the linters enabled in your repository.

For example, to run eslint and isort on the entire repo:

trunk check --all --filter=eslint,isort

Alternatively, to run every linter except clang-tidy and shellcheck:

trunk check --all --filter=-clang-tidy,-shellcheck


--sample=N will attempt to run every enabled linter against the requested number of files. The goal of the sample flag is to test the setup of the linters in your repository as well as any specific configuration they might honor.

The sample command will attempt to run each linter N times, but may run fewer if not enough applicable files exist in your set of files to lint. --sample=N can be combined with any other set of options for trunk check.

For example, to run prettier against 10 different prettier supported files:

trunk check --sample=10 --filter=prettier

Alternatively, to run every linter at most 5 times against its supported files:

trunk check --sample=5

Last updated